Linux images update on August 22, 2018

What’s new

  • BitBucket Pull Request support on Linux as a part of #736
  • Update version of aws-cli 1.15.83
  • Update version of azure-cli 2.0.44
  • Update version of SQL Server 2017 14.0.3035.2

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Ubuntu

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

image: Previous Ubuntu

Linux images update on August 11, 2018

What’s new

  • #2408 Ubuntu: “packages can be updated” and “updates are security updates”
  • #2539 Update Ubuntu distribution to a newer one that ships with gcc/g++/c++-7
  • #2551 Lack of entropy on Ubuntu
  • Update version of git 2.18.0
  • Update version of git-lfs 2.5.1
  • Update version of Docker 18.06.0
  • Update version of mysql-server 5.7.23
  • Update version of PostgreSQL 10+192
  • Update version of Redis 4.0.11
  • Update version of Mono
  • Update version of Microsoft Visual C# Compiler version
  • Update version of Mono C# compiler version
  • Update version of yarn 1.9.4
  • Update version of packer 1.2.5
  • Update version of aws-cli 1.15.76
  • Update version of azure-cli 2.0.43
  • Update version of pip 18.0
  • Update version of cmake version 3.12.0
  • Update version of Python 2.7.15
  • Update version of Python 3.6.6
  • Update version of openJDK 11-ea+24
  • Update version of SQL Server 2017 14.0.3030.27-1
  • Update version of Go 1.11 beta 2

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Ubuntu

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

image: Previous Ubuntu

Environment IP addresses update

We’ve introduced new external IPs in AppVeyor build environment - please update your firewalls (if set) as these IPs will start appearing over this week.

IP addresses assigned to build VMs in Google data center (us-central1 region):

IP addresses assigned to build VMs in LiquidWeb data center (Lansing, MI):

IP address of AppVeyor Cloud in Azure data center (West US region) - when deploying with “Environments”:

As always, the most recent and complete list of AppVeyor IP addresses can be found here.

Linux images update on July 22, 2018

What’s new

  • Update version of Ruby 2.2.10
  • Update version of Ruby 2.3.7
  • Update version of Ruby 2.4.4
  • Update version of awscli 1.15.53
  • Update version of azure-cli 2.0.41

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Ubuntu

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

image: Previous Ubuntu

Windows images update on July 12, 2018

What’s new

  • #2508 .NET Core 2.1.2
  • #2509 PostgreSQL 9.6.9 and 10.4
  • #2510 Fixed: Python 3.7 is missing virtualenv
  • #2511 Fixed: Qt latest doesn’t point to 5.11.1
  • #2512 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7.5
  • #2513 pwsh.exe should load AppVeyor module on start
  • #2515 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.8 Preview 4

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2015
  • Previous Visual Studio 2017

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

image: Previous Visual Studio 2017