Windows images update on January 23, 2018

What’s new

  • #1138 Fixed: Console colors issue with Karma test results
  • #1186 Java 9.0.4
  • #1193 Fixed: Eliminate duplication in PSModulePath environment variable
  • #1646 Artifact url is temporary Azure blob url in notifications
  • #1733 Fixed: [Visual Studio 2017] NSIS not in PATH
  • #1877 Zip Push Deployments
  • #1944 Fixed: ‘bundler’ is not recognized as an internal or external command
  • #1949 Update Qt 5.9.2 to 5.9.3
  • #1957 Miniconda2 4.3.31, Miniconda3 4.3.31
  • #1969 Cmake 3.10.1
  • #1973 Mingw-w64 7.2.0
  • #1975 LLVM 5.0.1
  • #1976 Node 9.3.x, 9.4.x
  • #1982 Github deploy keys read-only access
  • #1983 Xamarin on Visual Studio 2015 image
  • #1987 Erlang/OTP 20.2
  • #1988 Chocolatey 0.10.8
  • #1989 Expose DeploymentUpgradeMode enum with “tweak” Environment variable
  • #1991 .NET Core SDK 2.1.4
  • #1992 Increase Bintray deployment provider timeout
  • #1994 Unable to move folder for android SDK installation
  • #1999 RubyInstaller-2.4.3-1 and -2.5.0-1 available
  • #2000 Qt 5.10.0
  • #2013 Windows Management Framework 5.1
  • #2017 GitHub release update should preserve existing description (if not set in AppVeyor)
  • #2019 Visual Studio 15.5.4
  • #2020 SSDT 15.5.1 for Visual Studio 2017
  • #2021 PowerShell Core support
  • #2024 Docker images update to 10.0.14393.2007 and .1944
  • #2025 Python 3.6.4
  • #2026 Meltdown/Spectre update
  • #2028 Chrome 63.0
  • #2029 Firefox 57
  • #2033 Chrome Driver 2.35
  • #2034 IE Driver 3.8
  • #2035 Gecko Driver 0.19.1
  • #2038 vcpkg update v0.0.101

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015
  • Previous Visual Studio 2017

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on December 15, 2017

What’s new (Visual Studio 2017 image only)

  • #1945 Visual Studio 2017 15.5.2

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015
  • Previous Visual Studio 2017

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on December 12, 2017

What’s new (Visual Studio 2017 image only)

  • #1945 Update to include Android SDK 26
  • #1963 Visual Studio 2017 15.5.1
  • #1965 Qt 5.9.x MinGW on VS2017 image

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015
  • Previous Visual Studio 2017

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on November 18, 2017

Breaking changes

  • Qt 5.9.1 (C:\Qt\5.9.1) has been replaced with Qt 5.9.2 (C:\Qt\5.9.2).
  • Miniconda3 3.16.0 (Python 3.4.3) is now installed into C:\Miniconda34 directory (x64 to C:\Miniconda34-x64 respectively), and C:\Miniconda3 is now mapped to the latest Miniconda3 4.3.27 (Python 3.6.2).

What’s new

  • #1554 WDK for Windows 10, version 1709 on Visual Studio 2017 image
  • #1778 LLVM 5.0
  • #1841 SQL Server 2017 Developer edition
  • #1847 Boost 1.65.1
  • #1868 .NET 4.7.1 support
  • #1872 Java 8 Update 152
  • #1875 Fixed: Git clone over HTTPS times out
  • #1880 Node.js 4.8.5, 4.8.6, 6.11.5, 6.12.0, 8.8.0, 8.8.1, 8.9.0, 8.9.1, 9.0.0, 9.1.0, 9.2.0
  • #1881 Fixed: .sh extension is not properly mapped on VS 2017 image
  • #1883 Qt 5.9.2
  • #1892 Re-install all Ruby versions to avoid duplicate gems
  • #1897 Miniconda3 default installation is ancient, updating not always possible
  • #1901 Yarn 1.3.2
  • #1902 SSDT 15.4.0 preview for Visual Studio 2017 Preview (Visual Studio 2017 Preview image)
  • #1909 TypeScript 2.6 for Visual Studio 2015/2017
  • #1912 Cygwin/GDB x64 crash on execute.
  • #1914 PostgreSQL 10.1
  • #1921 NUnit 3.8.1 and NUnit Console 3.7
  • #1925 The built-in vcpkg needs to be updated.
  • #1926 Bundler 1.16.0
  • #1927 Go 1.8.5, 1.9.2
  • #1928 CMake 3.9.6
  • #1933 Visual Studio 2017 15.4.4
  • #1934 Visual Studio 2017 15.5.0 Preview 4.0 (Visual Studio 2017 Preview image)
  • #1935 .NET Core SDK 2.0.3 on Visual Studio 2015/2017 images

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015
  • Previous Visual Studio 2017

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on October 22, 2017

What’s new

  • #1496 Fixed: Do not parse .vdproj as XML
  • #1737 Bundler v1.15.4
  • #1746 Fixed: Unable to load multiple test assemblies with the same name from different folders
  • #1750 [Feature request] Patching support for .props files
  • #1753 Fixed: Forward slash in ‘clone_folder’ breaks artifacts packaging
  • #1758 Fixed: Backward slashes do not work in custom YAML path
  • #1759 Fixed: Exclude .NET Core test projects from automatic nuget packaging
  • #1764 Avoid NuGet packaging duplication if ‘GeneratePackageOnBuild’ is set
  • #1766 Expose a retry for Azure WebJobs deployment
  • #1770 Python 3.6.3
  • #1772 AssemblyVersion, FileVersion, InformationalVersion to .csproj patching
  • #1773 VDPROJ support on Visual Studio 2017
  • #1780 Miniconda2 4.3.27, Miniconda3 4.3.27
  • #1781 Add app_offline support to Deployment Agents
  • #1782 Fixed: Built-in Bash support is broken
  • #1783 Qt Installer Framework 3.0.1
  • #1785 TypeScript 2.5.2 for Visual Studio 2015/2017
  • #1786 Fixed: VSTS - Commit Number URL is Incorrect on Build Page
  • #1789 Fixed: Clone tag if specified in webhook ref field
  • #1790 RubyInstaller-2.4.2-2 available
  • #1793 Java 8 Update 144
  • #1794 Python 2.7.14
  • #1799 Update MSYS64
  • #1802 CMake 3.9.4
  • #1803 Unable to add AppVeyor to Github organization
  • #1806 NuGet feed API key reset in UI
  • #1809 “Bleeding” environment variables of different artifact type
  • #1811 .NET Core .csproj files patching on .fsproj (F# Project)
  • #1818 NuGet 4.3
  • #1822 Fixed: wget doesn’t work in MSYS2 anymore
  • #1825 Fixed: Error 400 returned by nuget publishing for some customers
  • #1826 Fixed: docker-compose.exe is missing from Visual Studio 2017 image
  • #1829 Node.js 6.11.3, 8.5.0, 8.6.0
  • #1830 docker-compose 1.16.1
  • #1832 Qt 5.9.1 msvc2015 32-bit on Visual Studio 2017 image
  • #1833 Azure Service Fabric SDK 2.8
  • #1835 Chrome 61
  • #1836 Firefox 56
  • #1837 ChromeDriver 2.32
  • #1838 IE Driver 3.6.0
  • #1840 Docker images update to 10.0.14393.1715 and .1770
  • #1844 Go 1.8.4 and Go 1.9.1
  • #1851 Visual Studio 2017 15.4
  • #1852 Yarn 1.2.1
  • #1860 Node.js 6.11.4, 8.7.0
  • #1866 Windows SDK 10.0.16299.0 (Fall Creator’s Update SDK)
  • #1867 .NET Core SDK 2.0.2 on Visual Studio 2017 image
  • #1869 Fixed: Default NuGet feed list has old protocol endpoint on VS 2017 image
  • #1870 Fixed: The current py.exe on AppVeyor is inherently broken

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015
  • Previous Visual Studio 2017

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015