Windows images update on April 3, 2017

What’s new

  • #295 Allow expanding ZIP files when uploading artifacts to Amazon S3
  • #386 Allow to exclude configurations from the matrix
  • #954 Test discovery should be able to exclude third-party assemblies which refer test framework
  • #1375 Fixed: Deleting build should delete its NuGet packages from feeds
  • #1429 Fixed: Git LFS 2.0.1 regression
  • #1438 Git LFS 2.0.2
  • #1451 Git 2.12.2
  • #1452 Install MSYS on Visual Studio 2017 image
  • #1454 Silverlight SDK 4
  • #1455 AWS SDK for .NET with AWS Tools for Windows 3.3.69
  • #1457 Node.js 7.8.0
  • #1459 AWS CLI 1.11.68
  • #1460 Visual Studio 2017 update 15.0.26228.12
  • #1461 Azure PowerShell - March 2017 (3.7.0)
  • #1462 CMake could not find Visual Studio 2017
  • #1463 CMake 3.8.0 RC4
  • #1464 SQL Server 2014 Express for Visual Studio 2017

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015
  • Previous Visual Studio 2017

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on March 25, 2017

What’s new

  • #1426 Fixed: curl.exe is not on PATH
  • #1428 Fixed: Git 2.12.0 does not support long paths (regression)
  • #1431 curl 7.53.1
  • #1432 Cleanup PATH variable
  • #1433 Git 2.12.1
  • #1436 Node.js 4.8.1, 6.10.1, 7.7.4
  • #1440 Azure SDK 3.0
  • #1441 Azure Storage Emulator 5.1
  • #1442 Azure Service Fabric SDK 2.5.216 with Runtime 5.5.216
  • #1443 Docker base images updated (March)
  • #1445 Xamarin

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015
  • Previous Visual Studio 2017

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on March 20, 2017

Known issues

What’s new

  • #1084 Fixed: Unfriendly error when build cache size quota exceeded
  • #1242 Add Reduced Redundancy Storage option for S3 deployment provider
  • #1284 LLVM 4.0.0 Compiler Infrastructure libraries
  • #1337 Agent environment deployment should fail if no single agent picks up the job
  • #1345 Git 2.12.0
  • #1351 MinGW-w64 6.3.0 for x86_64 arch
  • #1357 Node.js 7.7.3
  • #1358 Update Cygwin and MSYS2
  • #1362 APPVEYOR_JOB_NUMBER environment variable
  • #1366 Increase max request length for ‘api/testresults’ path
  • #1376 Yarn 0.21.3
  • #1377 .NET Core 1.1.1 with SDK 1.0.1
  • #1385 PostrgeSQL 9.6
  • #1387 Expose MaxErrorRetry in S3 provider setting
  • #1393 LLVM 4.0
  • #1395 Mercurial 4.1.1
  • #1397 Add parameter PR to the last successful build artifact permalink
  • #1399 Git LFS 2.0.1
  • #1400 Subversion 1.8.17
  • #1401 Fixed: Inconsistent results for xunit .net core runner
  • #1402 Fixed: Inconclusive NUnit 3 tests generate errors in a build log
  • #1403 Erlang OTP runtime 19.3 x64
  • #1407 Microsoft Azure Service Fabric SDK 2.4.164
  • #1411 Visual Studio 2017 update 15.0.26228.9
  • #1412 Chrome 57.0
  • #1413 Firefox 52.0.1
  • #1414 Chrome Driver 2.28
  • #1415 IE Driver 3.3.0
  • #1416 Firefox Driver 0.15
  • #1417 APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE environment variable

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on February 25, 2017

What’s new

  • #1275 Bundler 1.14.5
  • #1340 Node.js 7.6.0, 6.10.0, 4.8.0
  • #1341 TypeScript for Visual Studio 2015
  • #1344 MSYS2 6.3.0

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on February 23, 2017

What’s new

  • #137 Accounts have a Timezone setting
  • #979 Coverity 8.7.0
  • #1124 Java 8 Update 121
  • #1271 Adjust nunit parser to latest Pester version
  • #1279 Qt 5.8.0
  • #1280 Xamarin for VS 2015
  • #1282 Firefox 51.0.1
  • #1285 Find a way to expose Do not drop users in SQL deployment
  • #1296 Node.js 4.7.3, 6.9.5, 7.5.0
  • #1302 MinGW 5.3.0
  • #1310 Yarn 0.20.3
  • #1314 Fixed: Build crashes if “clone_folder” contains spaces
  • #1315 Fixed: WAP packaging broke if solution contains WebJobs
  • #1320 Azure PowerShell - January 2017
  • #1321 Fixed: Get project last branch build API does not support slashes in branch name
  • #1322 Python 3.5.3
  • #1324 Miniconda2 4.3.11 (Python 2.7.13)
  • #1325 Miniconda3 4.3.11 (Python 3.6.0)
  • #1326 CMake 3.7.2
  • #1327 Chrome 56.0
  • #1328 Gecko Driver 0.14.0
  • #1329 MinGW-w64 6.3.0
  • #1330 Go 1.8
  • #1331 Go 1.7.5, 1.6.4

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015