Windows images update on October 13, 2016

What’s new

  • #258 Azure Service Fabric and Tools 5.3.301.9590 for Visual Studio 2015
  • #931 Add “Request body” to webhook notifications
  • #1028 Bundler v1.13.3
  • #1071 Relax SSL protocol options for appveyor.exe DownloadFile
  • #1075 Node.js 0.10.47, 0.12.16, 4.6.0, 6.7.0
  • #1079 Support ‘manually triggered’ webjobs
  • #1086 OpenSSL 1.0.2j
  • #1093 Fixed: VDPROJ support is broken on Visual Studio 2015
  • #1096 Boost 1.62
  • #1098 Fixed: SQL database deployment provider fails to deploy to SQL Server 2016
  • #1104 Chrome 53
  • #1105 Firefox 49
  • #1106 Chrome Driver 2.24

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on September 26, 2016

What’s new

  • #982 Add an option to include hidden folders/files in cache
  • #1044 Support native CMD and BASH environment variables format in paths
  • #1056 Fixed: Error parsing nunit test duration in HH:mm:ss.fff format
  • #1057 Fixed: Javascript endless loop on messages tab
  • #1061 Fixed: Start-FileDownload cmdlet hangs sometimes
  • #1062 Fixed: APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER is not expanded in custom environment variables
  • #1065 Configure TCP port 1433 for SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2012 instances
  • #1067 TypeScript 2.0
  • #1070 Xamarin registration is disabled

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on September 19, 2016

What’s new

  • #275 Fixed: Does not render or hide ANSI escape sequences for some output from Ginkgo Go testing framework
  • #373 Support multi-code ANSI codes
  • #438 Improve performance of build cache
  • #573 WDK 8
  • #911 LLVM 3.9.0
  • #969 Fixed: File name is not encoded in artifact download URL
  • #981 Azure Cloud Service deployment allows controlling the number of retries
  • #984 Repair Windows Phone 8.1 Behaviors (v12)
  • #987 WDK 10.0.14393.0
  • #988 Go 1.7.1, 1.6.3
  • #989 Node.js 4.5.0, 6.4.0, 6.5.0
  • #993 Msbuild execution (in msbuild, not script mode) should be current-directory-agnostic
  • #995 Repair “12.0” key under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7
  • #998 Maven 3.3.9
  • #1001 CMake 3.6.2
  • #1002 Webhooks failing to trigger builds
  • #1004 Increase VHD size to 200 GB
  • #1006 Fixed: Artifact upload - intermittent internal server error
  • #1007 Artifact permalink by tag
  • #1008 Fixed: Agent deployment problem with large number of artifacts
  • #1009 Node.js Tools 1.2 for Visual Studio 2015
  • #1012 Some ANSI colour/formatting codes not working
  • #1016 Fixed: Microsoft.DotNet.Common.Targets(262,5): error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  • #1017 AppVeyor Deployment Agent requires .NET 4.5.2
  • #1019 Automatically support YAML file starting with a “.”, e.g. “.appveyor.yml”
  • #1020 “WMF 5” image updated to WMF 5.1 Preview
  • #1021 Fixed: msbuild.communitytasks Chocolatey package is not installing
  • #1022 clone_folder should support environment variable expansion
  • #1023 Improve error if artifact or test assembly is absolute path
  • #1025 Project tags are displayed on additional pages
  • #1032 Fixed: Visual Studio 2010 does not work
  • #1033 Fixed: Automatic packaging of WAP to XCopy does not work
  • #1034 Fixed: Error uploading artifact to Azure Blob storage: Remote server returned 404
  • #1036 Fixed: Error uploading artifact if it is a symbolic link
  • #1037 Fixed: appveyor.exe should use block upload to Azure
  • #1041 .NET Core 1.0.1
  • #1042 Git LFS 1.4.1
  • #1046 Node.js 6.6.0
  • #1047 Xamarin
  • #1048 Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 KB3165756 patch (version 14.0.25431)
  • #1049 SQL Server Data Tools 16.3 (14.0.60812.0)
  • #1050 Azure SDK 2.9.5
  • #1051 Python Tools for Visual Studio 2015 (September 2016)
  • #1052 Microsoft Azure Storage Emulator 4.5
  • #1053 Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2 (14.1.20907.0)

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Windows images update on August 9, 2016

What’s new

  • #895 SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition
  • #896 Fixed: Test view - wrong file name shown for NUnit 3 tests
  • #903 Python 2.7.12, 3.4.4, 3.5.2
  • #906 Node.js 0.10.45-46, 0.12.14-15, 4.4.7, 5.12.0, 6.3.1
  • #908 CPack naming conflict
  • #912 Azure Storage Emulator 4.4
  • #913 Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 (KB3165756)
  • #915 Coverity
  • #920 Azure Tools 2.5 and 2.6 for Visual Studio 2015
  • #921 Add Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell (Isolated) - ENU
  • #925 Ruby 2.3.1, 2.2.5, 2.1.9
  • #926 Update Cygwin
  • #927 Bundler v1.12.5
  • #930 Chocolatey
  • #932 GitVersion to 3.6.2
  • #940 WiX v3.10.3.3007
  • #947 NSIS v3.0
  • #948 7-Zip 16.02
  • #950 Make appveyor-retry to work transparently with cmd/bat files
  • #955 Agents for Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
  • #956 Java 8 Update 101
  • #959 Update Windows to support latest time zones
  • #960 .NET Framework 4.6.2 Developer Pack
  • #964 UWP Tools 1.4.1 and Windows 10 SDK
  • #965 NUnit 3.4.1 console runner
  • #966 SSDT update for Visual Studio 2015 (14.0.60629.0)
  • #967 Xamarin

Previous worker images

There are build worker images available from previous deployment. You can use them in case of any issues with the current images:

  • Previous Visual Studio 2013
  • Previous Visual Studio 2015

You can select build worker image in “Build worker image” dropdown on Environment tab of project settings or if you use appveyor.yml:

os: Previous Visual Studio 2015

Migrating build environment to RackSpace

Dear customers,

We have great news! Today we moved all open-source and most private accounts to a new build environment hosted at RackSpace.

For open-source projects that means their builds will start and run faster and private projects may notice better performance as well.

Virtual machines in the new environment have 2 CPU cores and up to 4 GB of RAM. The new public IP address for that environment is - you may need to update your firewalls.

We are still going to maintain Google Compute Engine (GCE) environment for selected accounts and as a backup build cloud. If your private builds were previously running on GCE they will remain there.

Some open-source projects may experience issues while building on a new environment. Due to implementation differences between GCE and Hyper-V platforms we have separate build worker images for GCE and Hyper-V environments, so there might be minor discrepancies in installed software. Please report any issues you notice - your help with fixing those issues is much appreciated.

We have a good reason for this move as some customers already reported 10x performance increase!

We would love to hear your feedback!

Best regards,
AppVeyor team